A Deep Dive into Gen Z’s Content Consumption Habits

Gen Z is known as the “always online” generation. Gen Z is never far from smartphones, constantly scrolling through social media, checking news updates, or engaging with content. But how exactly does Gen Z spend time online, and what does that mean for businesses targeting them?

First off, Gen Z is huge fans of video content. While 69% of Gen Z watches over two hours of TV daily, YouTube remains king—70% of Gen Z use the platform every day, often watching more than two hours of videos. Most of Gen Z watches videos on smartphones (34%) or personal computers (26%), which shows their preferred content that’s portable and easy to access on the go.

Short-form content is especially popular. Apps like TikTok, with its quick, engaging videos, are perfect for Gen Z attention spans. TikTok now has over 1 billion active monthly users; with 41% of those being Gen Z. Binge-watching are also common—over 40% of Gen Z binge-watch weekly, consuming several hours of content in a single session.

Beyond social media, email is still an effective way to reach Gen Z. 58% of Gen Z checks email multiple times a day, but is selective about the messages they engage with. Gen Z prefers receiving brand emails just a couple of times a week—too much, and it becomes annoying.

Interestingly, Gen Z is self-aware of their screen time. While 86% of Gen Z use smartphones multiple times a day, 79% worry about spending too much time on their devices. This awareness means businesses should find a balance between being engaging and not overwhelming.

Understanding these habits is a key for any brand trying to capture Gen Z’s attention in today’s digital landscape.

Source : https://newsofnepal.com/2024/11/17/678582/