Tea Vibes: Find Your Perfect Brew!

  1. Black Tea – Classic and bold, black tea is fully oxidized, giving it a strong flavor. Popular types include English Breakfast, Earl Grey, and Darjeeling.
  2. Green Tea – Made from unoxidized leaves, it has a light, fresh taste. Matcha, a powdered green tea, is also super popular.
  3. Oolong Tea – Semi-oxidized, oolong has a flavor profile between black and green tea, often with a fruity or floral aroma.
  4. White Tea – The least processed tea, known for its delicate and sweet flavor.
  5. Herbal Tea – Technically not a “tea” since it doesn’t come from the Camellia sinensis plant. It’s a blend of herbs, flowers, and fruits. Popular ones include chamomile, peppermint, and hibiscus.
  6. Chai – A spiced tea blend from India, usually made with black tea, milk, and a mix of spices like cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves.
  7. Matcha – Powdered green tea from Japan, whisked with hot water. It’s bright green and packed with antioxidants.
  8. Pu-erh Tea – A fermented tea from China, known for its earthy, rich flavor that gets better with age.
  9. Iced Tea – Regular tea (often black or green) served chilled with ice, perfect for summer.
  10. Bubble Tea – A Taiwanese tea-based drink mixed with milk and chewy tapioca pearls. It’s a sweet and fun twist on regular tea!
    Tea comes in so many flavors and forms, there’s something for every mood!

Source : https://newsofnepal.com/2024/09/23/669567/