MCC and US Dollars

By Nirmal P. Acharya
The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the US, is 100 percent privately owned equity. In other words, private capital controls the US and, by extension, the world through the hegemony in the hands of the US. The Federal Reserve is neither part of the government nor does it have any reserves.
Everywhere in the world, there are green dollar bills. The US dollar enjoys the lofty status of a world currency. But it is printed at will by the private capital that controls the Fed, according to its interests.
The Fed was formed and controlled by Jewish and Anglo-Saxon conglomerates.
The Fed prints and manipulates dollars to suit its interests. Dollars flow around the world, day and night. The resources of the world and the products of the labor of the people of the world flow into the US, day and night.

Of course, in addition to appropriating the world’s resources and products, the dollar has also been used to corrupt and buy off powerful people everywhere in the world, making them comprador, their ‘white gloves’, to accomplish their goals for them.

The dollar is the driving force behind the subversion and color revolutions that are taking place every day around the world.

Of course, the dollar can also be used to brainwash people around the world. With enough dollars, the doctrines and theories they need can be hatched, illustrated books can be written and distributed, and moving movies can be made and flooded in cinemas and the internet. It’s almost impossible for us not to be brainwashed by the dollar.

As part of the Indo-Pacific strategy of the US, the MCC, despite being resisted by all sectors of Nepali society for a long time eventually landed in Nepal. This is a victory for the US, but since the US government is only one of many puppets of the Federal Reserve it is essentially a victory for the USD and the banking dynasties, however, a big loss to Nepal and should have all the Nepali petrified.

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