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  • अर्गानिक खेती प्रणालीले साह परिवार माडीकै नमुना किसान 
    शान्ता अधिकारी माडी, १ चैत तरकारी खेती सुरू गर्दा माडी नगरपालिका–७ गोपालनगरकी ४९ वर्षीया एगिन्द्र साहसँग समूहबाट लिएको केही ऋणबाहेक सम्पत्ति केही थिएन । मुस्किलले खान पुग्ने साह परिवार अहिले माडीकै नमुना किसानमा गनिएको छ । साह परिवारले नमुना अर्गानिक तरकारी खेत
  • अर्गानिक करेसाबारी तालिम 
    भरतपुर, १ चैत दीपज्योति बचत तथा ऋण सहकारी संस्था भरतपुर ११ चितवनको आयोजना तथा महिला विकास उपसमितीको संयोजनमा आइतबारबाट सुरू भएको दुई दिने अर्गानिक करेसाबारी तालिम सोमबार सकिएका छ । बचत तथा ऋणको कारोबारमार्फत आफ्ना सेयर सदस्यमाझमा निकै लोकप्रिय बन्न सफल दीपज्योत
  • पार्कको रुपमा विकास हुँदै गैँडाकोटको ब्रिटिस क्याम्प 
    प्रकाश सिग्देल गैँडाकोट, १ चैत नवलपरासीकोे गैँडाकोटस्थित ब्रिटिस क्याम्पलाई पार्कको रुपमा विकास गरिने भएको छ । नारायणी नदीको किनार र मौलाकालीकाको फेदीमा रहेको सो क्याम्पलाई गँैडाकोट नगरपालिका र देवघाट क्षेत्र विकास समितिले करिब ४० लाख लागतमा वातावरणमैत्री पा
  • चट्याङ लागेर दुईको मृत्यु पाँच घाइते
    जिरौना, १ चैत चट्याङ लागेर पूर्वी चितवनको जिरौनामा दुई जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ भने पाँच जना घाइते भएका छन् । रत्ननगर नगरपालिका १० मा रहेको हरिकृष्ण इँटा उद्योगमा कार्यरत मजदुरहरु बसेको ठाउँमा सोमबार चट्याङ पर्दा दुई जनाको मृत्यु भएको हो भने पाँच जना घाइते भएका हुन् । ज
  • अन्तरव्यक्ति सञ्चार अभिमुखीकरण
    भरतपुुर, १ चैत चितवन जिल्लाका विभिन्न १० स्थानका स्वयम्सेविकाहरुको लागि अन्तरव्यक्ति सञ्चारसम्बन्धी २ दिने अभिमुखीकरण कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भएको छ । यूएसएआईडी÷एचसीथ्री नेपाल परियोजनाको आर्थिक र प्राविधिक सहयोगमा नेपाल सरकार स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालय राष्ट्रिय स्वास
  • पचास जनाद्वारा रक्तदान
    भरतपुर, १ चैत युवा व्यवसायीहरुको सामाजिक संस्था नारायणगढ राउण्ड टेबल –१४ को आयोजनामा रक्तदान कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भएको छ । संस्थाको स्थापना दिवसको अवसर पारेर आयोजित रक्तदान कार्यक्रममा सात जना महिलासहित ५० जनाले रक्तदान गरेका छन् । “बि अ रियल हिरो” भन्ने नाराका साथ
  • ठूलो ढुङ्गा सहितको पहिरोले पृथ्वी राजमार्ग अबरुद्ध, खुलाउने प्रयास रातीदेखि नै जारी
    धादिङ । पृथ्वी राजमार्गको जोगिमारामा गएराती ठूलो ढुङ्गा खसेर सडक अवरुद्ध भएको छ । सडकको माथीबाट आएको ठूलो ढुङ्गाले सडकको दुवै तर्फको आउजाउ प्रभावित बनाएको छ । सडक अबरुद्ध भएको जानकारी पाए लगत्तै सडक भिडिजन नुवाकोटबाट पहिरो पन्छाउनको लागी आवश्यक उपकरण र जनशक्ति प
  • माधव नेपालको लागी एमालेमा ठाँउ छैन : अध्यक्ष केपी शर्मा
    काठमाडौ । नेकपा एमालेका अध्यक्ष केपी शर्मा ओलीले माधव नेपाल जस्ता नेताहरुका लागि पार्टीमा ठाउँ नभएको बताउनुभएको छ । आज नेकपा एमालेको काठमाडौं जिल्ला कमिटीको बैठकमा अध्यक्ष ओलीले वामपन्थीको सरकार ढाल्ने र दक्षिणपन्थीको सरकारलाई विश्वासको मत दिएको भन्दै उहाँले
  • राष्ट्रपतिको दम्भ : ‘महान्यायाधिवक्ताको शपथ सर्वोच्चबाटै गराए हुन्छ’
    काठमाडौ । राष्ट्रपति कार्यालयले नवनियुक्त महान्यायाधिवक्ता खम्मबहादुर खातीको शपथ ग्रहण सर्वोच्च अदालतबाटै गर्न पत्राचार गरिएको बताएको छ । राष्ट्रपति कार्यालयले शुक्रबार एक विज्ञप्ति जारी गरी त्यसका लागि २०७८ वैशाख ५ गते पत्राचार गरिएको जानकारी दिएको हो । वि
  • कोरोना संक्रमण फेरि उकालो लाग्दै
    काठमाडौ । काठमाडौ । नेपालमा कोरोना भाइरस (कोभिड–१९­) संक्रमितको संख्या उकालो लागेको छ । कोरोनाको दोस्रो लहर पिकमा पुगेर क्रमशः ओरालो लागिरहेकै समयमा दैनिक पहिचान हुने नयाँ संक्रमितको संख्या बढ्नु चिन्ताको विषय भएको जनस्वास्थ्यविद्हरु बताउँछन् । स्वास्थ्य तथा ज
  • Hello world!
    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! The post Hello world! appeared first on Top Nepal News.
  • Five Russian mountaineers die
    Kathmandu, October 8: Five Russian mountaineers died in an attempt to climb Mt Dhaulagiri. Rakesh Gurung, the Director of the Department of Tourism, stated that their bodies were discovered at an elevation of 7,600 meters on Tuesday morning. The group, consisting of 14 Russian climbers, had arrived in Nepal around three weeks prior for an expedition organized by IAM Trekking and Expeditions. Eight members of the group lost contact during their ascent on Sunday night. Gurung informed that efforts to send a helicopter for a search operation on Monday failed due to the poor weather. However, a helicopter from Heli Everest successfully located two climbers at Base Camp and one at Camp I during
  • South Korea provides humanitarian assistance to Nepal
    Kathmandu, October 8: The Government of the Republic of Korea has decided to provide US$ 500,000 in humanitarian aid to Nepal on Tuesday, October 8, to support the latter’s ongoing relief efforts in response to the recent heavy rains. The ROK government hopes that this assistance will support the recovery of the affected areas and help residents in those areas swiftly return to their daily lives. The Republic of Korea’s Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul conveyed a message of condolence to Nepal’s Foreign Minister Arzu Ran Deuba, over the severe floods and landslides in Nepal. Expressing the similarities between the two countries, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea stated that Nepal is a
  • Government opens additional 57 mountains for climbers
    Kathmandu, October 8: The government has opened an additional 57 mountains for climbers. The cabinet meeting held on Monday decided to open them to allow climbing activities in the mountains. According to Government Spokesperson and Minister for Communications and Information Technology Prithvi Subba Gurung, the decision to open an additional 57 mountains for climbers has been taken as Nepal is a Himalayan country but many mountains are not open for mountaineering. People’s News Monitoring Service.
  • Gaushala Dharamshala goes under KMC
    Kathmandu, October 9: The Kathmandu Metropolitan City has kept its board by removing the board of the Gaushala Dharamshala Marwari Service Committee in the Pashupati area. Despite the opposition of the Marwari Service Committee, the team of the metropolis has kept the board of Kathmandu Metropolis by force. A scuffle broke out between the members of the Marwari Seva Committee and the Metropolitan Police when they were about to put up a banner mentioning ‘Gaushala Dharmashala run by Kathmandu Metropolitan City’. A team of Municipal Corporation No. 8 Chair Ashman Sangat and City Police Chief Rajunath Pandey reached Dharamshala to vacate the Gaushala Dharamshala in the Pashupati area. Accor
  • World Bank provides $150 million to Nepal
    Kathmandu, October 9: The Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank has granted $150 million to the Government of Nepal for use in natural or climate-induced hazards or health emergencies in Nepal. Nepal Disaster Resilience Development Policy Credit with Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option (CAT DDO) supports policy and regulatory reforms to enhance disaster response. It works to strengthen institutional mechanisms for effective disaster response. It suggests improving early warning systems, reducing risk and increasing risk-informed investment in critical infrastructure. It also assists governments in developing policies, institutions, and regulatory frameworks to enhance preparedness
  • MCC and the Nepali road
    By Nirmal P. Acharya A question hangs over the world: Does China’s powerful and rapid rise demonstrate the superiority of the socialist system over the capitalist system represented by the US? To understand the US, I think it is enough to remember the following three points: 1) A country that has deindustrialized; 2) a country that treats drug use as fashion and interprets human gender into more than 100 kinds; 3) a country that exploits the world by unleashing a tidal wave of dollars without material production. Under such circumstances, the US still insists on being the beacon of democracy and the ceiling of civilization and is keen to teach and threaten other countries from the strengt
  • Former King’s Dasain message explains nation’s bleak picture
    Kathmandu, October 9: Former King Gyanendra has extended hearty greetings on the occasion of the Dasain festival wishing all the Nepalis living in the country and abroad. The King has expressed serious dissatisfaction with the country’s situation. The King stated, “It is natural for us to feel sad when our desire to see Nepalis happy and prosperous forever wasn’t fulfilled”. “We left Narayanhiti Palace duly following the royal tradition of being ready to make any sacrifice to bring a positive change in the people’s lives. But even after nearly two decades, our desperation has increased as the aspirations of the Nepali people to live happily in their own country have not been fu
  • Rita Dhital appointed Nepal’s ambassador to Pakistan
    Kathmandu, October 9: Rita Dhital, joint secretary in the Foreign Ministry, has been appointed Nepal’s Ambassador to Pakistan. President Ramchandra Paudel, under the recommendation of the government, appointed Dhital Ambassador to Pakistan, informed the President’s Office. The Parliamentary Hearing Committee had approved her name recommended by the government. After the approval from the Parliamentary Hearing Committee, Dhital was appointed Ambassador following the agremo received from the Pakistan government. People’s News Monitoring Service.
  • Government to form high-level commission for economic reforms
    Kathmandu, October 9: The government has decided to constitute a high-level commission led by former finance secretary Rameshwar Khanal to improve the sick economy of the country. The cabinet meeting held on Tuesday decided to form a commission to suggest the government to pave the way for improving the sick economy. The five-member commission led by Khanal will be comprised of Prakash Kumar Shrestha, member, National Planning Commission; professor Ramprasad Gyawali, head of the economic department of the Tribhuvan University; Biswas Gauchan, executive director at the Institute for Integrated Development Studies; and Kalpana Khanal, senior researcher at Policy Research Institute. People’s